Thursday, February 4, 2010

It's a....

We had our sonogram this morning.  I didn't sleep well and was super nervous going into it.  I just had to see the baby.  I had to see the baby moving.  I had to see the heartbeat.  I saw all of that and feel so much better.  Everything looks great and I can breath easier.

It goes without saying that the best part was hearing...and seeing...that everything looks good. 

So, here's our little one...
Our Little Boy!


  1. YAY! I can't wait to meet Katelyn and Andrew's little brother! Love you all XOXO

  2. Woohoo! I can't wait to meet him!! I'm glad you had a good doctor's visit! Love, Morgan

  3. Wonderful, Kerry! Congratulations! You'll be in my thoughts as both the baby's health and yours are monitored. May God bless you and give you peace when you need it. Carrie L.

  4. Congrats, Kerry!:) So happy for you. Hoping for a relaxing rest of the pregnancy for you.

  5. Yay Kerry and Adam!!I am so happy for you both! :)

  6. Congratulations on your little boy!

  7. :).... me smiling all the way from AZ. So excited for you!


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