Monday, December 28, 2009

three years

Three years ago today I was in labor.  All day.  Katelyn wasn't born until after midnight, so her birthday is tomorrow, but I remember being in labor all day, the 28th.  It's amazing what having a child can do to you, becoming a parent.  I don't need to get into how thankful I am for Katelyn, and just how much I love her, I know that she knows. 

What I am thinking about on this birthday is how innocent I was, assuming that I made it that far, I would be going home with baby in hand.  I was Group B Strep positive with Katelyn.  When I went into labor the Dr gave me an IV antibiotic to prevent her from getting GBS during delivery.  That was that, I didn't think about it again.  

Goodness, was I naive!!! 

I had no idea just how dangerous and scary GBS can be.  I had no idea that it would take the life of my next child.   I had no idea.  I had no idea.

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