Wednesday, February 24, 2010


My Doctor, Dr Zaita, called me Monday. I am now GBS positive. She has put me on a 2 week prescription of an antibiotic. Starting around 28 weeks, I will then most likely go on 1 a day as a suppressant. I have noticed that since learning that, my mood has changed. I’m definitely more stressed, scared, and emotional. Yesterday, while driving home with Katelyn, I started crying. I try to hide this from her, but she doesn’t miss anything these days. She said “why you sad mommy? You want daddy too?” (She always tells me “I want daddy”). Dr. Zaita keeps telling me that the further along I get, the more emotional I’ll be. I’d have to say that so far, she’s right.


  1. Oh Kerry. I am praying for you so hard right now. I know this has to be a very stressful time. You are amazing and strong and I hope that just knowing about GBS... right when it happened can help. Let the antibiotics kick its BUTT and hopefully help you find some peace. BIG prayers for you.. and precious baby boy.

  2. Hey lady...I've been wondering about the GBS and so sad to know you have this hurdle in front of you. Knowledge is power, though, right? So take comfort in knowing you are addressing the issue and keeping it under control. I know this has to be scary; but as fellow reader said above, there are lots of prayers coming your way! Morgan

  3. Kerry. I have tears in my eyes from reading this post. I am scared for you. Not scared that the Dr.s can't or won't do their absolute best to prevent you from going through another loss... but scared for the emotions you will go through in the remainder of this pregnancy.

    I am praying for you, and your second son. Praying that the Lord carries you through these next few months. I hate GBS! It threatened to take my daughter, and I could never get my Dr.s to respond to my fears. Really! My last pregnancy...the Dr. tried to tell me I didn't need the preventative IV antibiotics at delivery! I was irate! Be thankful, and happy, that you are being cared for by at Dr. that is being proactive and careful!

    Do you do kick counts?


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