Saturday, October 10, 2009

the story - part 1

I know on these blogs many people write thier stories.  What happened and when.  It's something I've actually been writing in a word goes back to my fear of forgetting any details.

I've gotten a few e-mails asking what happened to Andrew so I wanted to share briefly what happened.  As I've mentioned a few times, I found comfort in reading others stories, but in particular stories like mine.  I wanted to learn about how others dealth with the same news I got.

Andrew died of Group B Strep Sepsis.  I wanted to know what happened, but no news comes without a mix of emotions.  The most difficult part of this news was knowing that Andrew was healthy.  He was healthy, growing at pace, and very active.  I remember sitting at work one day, pregnant, and shooting Adam an e-mail asking if it was too early to say that our son is hyper active.  The Dr's estimate is that Andrew got GBS about 7 days earlier, but once it turned into sepsis, he faded off within 24 hours. 

I'm no expert on Group B Strep, but it's pretty safe to say that I've read more about GBS than the average person (my husband would beg me to stop reading about it).  So, if you have any questions, shoot me an e-mail.

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